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Welcome to my online portfolio. As an English teacher, I hope to enspire my students to appreciate the English language through various forms of litertaure, writing experiences and mode of technology.  


I am an almuna of Michigan State University (Go Green!), and I am currently completing my student-teaching internship year at Southfield High School (SHS).  I consider myself a lifelong learner, and I have greatly apprecaited all that I have learned at SHS this year. 


On this webpage, you can find information about who I am as an educator, various lesson and unit plans that I have taught, different research assignments that I complted on literacy education, and more about me persoanlly. 


You can find my contact information at the bottom of this page, and also on my resume, which can be found by clicking on the resume tab.  


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

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